This week the focus is on spiritual health.
Several years ago I accepted a call to serve in a parish in New Zealand. I love the prayer book used in that part of the world, and some of my fondest memories are from our family's time in that country.
As we approach Thanksgiving week, I share with you a beautiful prayer that offers thanksgiving for creation (for churchy types it is a form of the Prayers of the People) that is part of the Eucharistic (Communion) service in New Zealand:
Caring God,
we thank you for your gifts in creation:
we thank you for your gifts in creation:
for our world,
the heavens tell of your glory;
the heavens tell of your glory;
for our land, its beauty and its resources,
for the rich heritage we enjoy.
for the rich heritage we enjoy.
We pray:
for those who make decisions about the resources of the earth,
that we may use your gifts responsibly;
that we may use your gifts responsibly;
for those who work on the land and sea, in city and in industry,
that all may enjoy the fruits of their labours
and marvel at your creation;
that all may enjoy the fruits of their labours
and marvel at your creation;
for artists, scientists and visionaries,
that through their work we may see creation afresh.
that through their work we may see creation afresh.
We thank you for giving us life;
for all who enrich our experience.
for all who enrich our experience.
We pray:
for all who are deprived of fulness of life,
for prisoners, refugees, and those who are sick;
for prisoners, refugees, and those who are sick;
for those in politics, medical science, social and relief work,
and for your Church,
for all who seek to bring life to others. We thank you that you have called us to celebrate your creation.
and for your Church,
for all who seek to bring life to others. We thank you that you have called us to celebrate your creation.
Give us reverence for life in your world.
We thank you for your redeeming love;
may your word and sacrament
strengthen us to love as you love us.
may your word and sacrament
strengthen us to love as you love us.
God, Creator, bring us new life.
Jesus, Redeemer, renew us.
Holy Spirit, strengthen and guide us.
Jesus, Redeemer, renew us.
Holy Spirit, strengthen and guide us.
God of peace,
let us your people know, that at the heart of turbulence there is an inner calm that comes from faith in you. Keep us from being content with things as they are, that from this central peace there may come a creative compassion, a thirst for justice, and a willingness to give of ourselves in the spirit of Christ. Amen. |
Happy Thanksgivings friends!